A harsh Breastfeeding Beginning

A harsh Breastfeeding Beginning

From day one this time around (my 5th kiddo), we have been dealing with latch issues which has made this journey difficult so far. 

The difference

Each child's breastfeeding journey is different yet a little bit of the same. We have been able to nurse from the beginning like my other children and without having to supplement with formula.

I also can already notice a difference in supply between my left and right, just like it was with my other kids. However, this is my first time being recommended to do triple feedings to ensure that he's getting enough.

woman breastfeeding a newborn baby on a bed

So far this time around I've dealt with latch problems that have caused pain and cracked/bleeding nipples and a low supply. I've met with a lactation consultant immediately after birth and as outpatient. I've been managing it with pumping, nipple cream, and lots of patience.

Overnight feedings have been the easiest part of my breastfeeding journey so far. It's the one time where we get peace and quiet for the two of us to lay there while I feed him and he usually will fall right back to sleep after nursing. 

mother’s view nursing baby boy

The love

I love the bond that nursing creates between the baby and me. It's something I will always remember that is different from the bond anyone else shares with him. 

I love that he holds my finger or onto my shirt when I nurse him. Or the infamous milk drunk sleep that he gets when he falls asleep after nursing. 

baby toes snuggled with mom nursing

The family

My oldest two are used to me nursing their younger siblings, so they don't bat an eye when I'm nursing. My youngest one is very curious about me nursing and asks 'why’ about everything I'm doing and tells me that her baby brother loves the boobies.

New baby nursing in denver colorado photography studio

Moving forward

My current goal is to make it to at least a year of nursing, and ultimately, I would like to nurse him for 3 years like I did with his sisters.

So far being patient is the one thing that's helped me the most thus far. Without taking it day by day, I wonder if I would have quit breastfeeding already because of the difficulties we've had already. Especially since it is different than any experience I have had before.

Nursing a late term premie baby on a bed

My advice

My advice would be to seek out professional help if you know something isn't right, so that you can fix it and continue with breastfeeding. If you don’t get help from the first person, find a second expert to talk to. And remember, this is a journey for both you and your baby...you're both learning, so give yourself a pat on the back because you're doing a great job. 

happy mother persevering to nurse her 5th baby

Participate in the project

Is your story similar to this mama’s? Is it completely different? I would love to tell your story through images and words. I even ask the questions to write the story if you choose. If you are interested in learning more, contact me.

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